Hi, I’m Robin - a front-end developer and UI designer.
This website covers some of my recent work and summarises my approach to front-end development.

Mobile first and responsive web design

Approaching a new project by designing and building for smaller devices first brings a number of benefits to the development process. Minimal screen real estate and slower download speeds forces the developer to focus on what’s essential for the user.

This was the approach I adopted when designing and developing the Comparethemarket.com motor insurance website front-end. Starting with sketched prototypes for demonstration to stakeholders, then moving to higher definition Photoshop visuals to include branding.

  • Design,
  • UX,
  • Development (.NET, KnockoutJS)
Motor price page

Team design ideas sessions

An approach I introduced in my current role is to lead design idea sessions at the beginning of new projects. These idea sessions involve the development team and as many project stakeholders as possible.

The sessions use Gamestorming techniques to explore the teams ideas and capture them in sketch form. These sketches are then refined and prototypes built for user testing. These session have increased stakeholder engagement in the development process and provided a large range of ideas to take forward.

  • Design,
  • UX,
Motor price page

DRY and semantic code

Approaching a new project by designing and building for smaller devices first brings a number of benefits to the development process. Minimal screen real estate and slower download speeds forces the developer to focus on what’s essential for the user.

This was the approach I adopted when designing and developing the Comparethemarket.com motor insurance website front-end. Starting with sketched prototypes for demonstration to stakeholders, then moving to higher definition Photoshop visuals to include branding.

  • Design,
  • UX,
  • Development (.NET, AngularJS)
Rewards price page Simples page


Taking a user centred design approach is important to ensure the end user’s needs are considered at every stage of the design and development process. At the start of a project I build interactive prototypes in either sketch form or in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, these prototypes are shown to external users as early in the development process as possible gaining valuable user feedback for the next development iteration.

  • Design,
  • UX,
Motor price page Motor price page